Royal county college of Technology Provides a stimulating learning environment through an innovative student-based and quality driven approach to teaching and learning. We ensure that our students enjoy a rich, highly interactive and personalized learning environment which is essential in the realization of one’s potential and preparation for the future. Those who choose Royal County College of Technology get access to wide range of courses that form a springboard to a sea of opportunities. We seek to promote a record of achievement and success in academic excellence and job prospects. To help you realize your life-time agenda, we have invested heavily in facilities and staff.
Royal county college of technology is in the forefront of using Information and Communication Technology to support learning and teaching. We have thus blended the use of e-learning with strong traditional learning and teaching values to give you flexible and dynamic learning experience.
Our aim is to become a leading centre of academic excellence and a preferred destination for all those who aspire for an academically fulfilling experience.
We are now offering the following short courses in ICT
Excel, Data Science, Digital Marketing, Business Analytics and Data Analytics
Tell a friend who knows a friend who want to enroll for a Diploma, Certificate, Artisan or a Short Course in any of the following; Automotive Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Business Studies, ICT, Hospitality& Tourism, Agri-business, Fashion& Creative Arts, Hair Dressing & Beauty Therapy and Accounting.
September intake is ongoing
Visit our Online Application Page to get started
As we see off our class of 2022, we gladly welcome all aspiring to join Royal County College of Technology to apply now